It's so easy to think about what body you'd like to have when really what we should be doing is love the body we have now. If you love the body you're in, then you'll take care of her, just as she's taken care of you all this time. Think about it for a minute. When you want to go somewhere, who takes you there? Your legs. When you want to do something who does it? Your hands. When you want to hold your child, who lifts her up? Your arms. When you want to kiss your husband who does it? Your lips. I could go on like this all day, but you get the point. Your body is worthy of your love because if helps you do all the things you do on a daily basis, asking nothing more in return then a little fuel to keep it going.
Celebrate the body you have. This stomach that gave birth to your child. These legs that take you where you want to go. These arms that hug and hold your family close to you. Now what do you intend to do to show this body how much you love her? By strengthening it! Become a stronger woman. Don't hate any part of your body, because that will just draw more negative energy to you. For me this has been difficult, I can't lie. My trouble spot that I have the most difficulty loving is my stomach. But this part of my body carried my baby for 91/2 months, nurtured and birthed her. I celebrate my stomach for her creative ability and intend to nurture and make her stronger and in turn make me a stronger woman.
Since I've been working on loving myself the way I am right now, I've noticed a change in my attitude toward everything. I feel much more upbeat and positive about life and about my ability to change into the person I am. Instead of focusing on the things I'm not, I focus on the things I am, showing myself that I am worthy of being celebrated and my body worthy of love right now. This makes it easier for me to accept love from my husband because now I feel worthy of it. I am a positive person; I can let go of guilt. I will enjoy what I have and not dwell on what I should be. This is my promise to myself.
Isn't that part of the golden rule? "Love thy neighbor as thyself". How many times do we love our neighbor more then we love ourself? We say things to ourselves that we'd never dream of saying to someone else, sometimes awful, hateful things. If you said those things to someone else, they wouldn't be friends with you very long, in fact would probably dislike you and avoid you. Why would you tell yourself something you wouldn't say to a stranger or your best friend. Things like: "You're such a fat pig" "You're don't deserve to treat yourself to a massage, you're too fat" "You so huge you can't sit in that chair" "Don't even think you can eat that, you're already too fat" and so on and so forth. These negative thoughts build up over time so that all you can focus on is how awful you are and how fat. This must stop and turn to love for yourself so you know you deserve to be different. So change that golden rule to "Love thyself as you love your nieghbor". If you wouldn't say it to someone else, don't say it to yourself! Instead, find positive things to say and ignore the negative voices and drown them out with positive affirmations. I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM STRONG. I AM POSITIVE. I AM SMART. I AM PATIENT. I AM CARING. I AM LOVING. I AM ATTRACTIVE. I AM SEXY. I AM GENEROUS. I AM HAPPY.
So celebrate the body you have and as that old classic song goes; "love the one your with" or in the case of your body, Love the one you're In!
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