What do you do when you feel like it's just not working after all? Like no matter what you do, it's not going to matter. It's such a negative attitude, and sadly the way I feel today. I'm not even sure why exactly. I think it comes down to patience, or lack thereof, to be exact. When it comes to other things in my life I know they take time and I'm willing to be patient and wait until the time is right, but with my weight loss I just want it over with and to post that "after" picture up. It's going to take a lot of work to get there, and I'm wondering if I'm going about it in the wrong way. The Bible says that "by beholding we become changed" which simply means that by focusing on something we change ourselves. So maybe I'm focusing on the wrong thing here. I shouldn't be focusing on losing the weight because then I'm focusing on the weight. I should focus on my goal and where I plan to be instead of the journey of how I'm going to get there.
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